New Product launch" Mizol HC Cream" ( February'21)
1 Feb 2021

We are pleased to inform you that MEDICON Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is going to launch another exciting new product Mizol HC cream (Miconazole nitrate+ Hydrocortisone) to enrich our cream portfolio. It will be available in 1st February 2021.
Mizol HC cream contains miconazole nitrate which is an anti-fungal agent that works by destroying the fungus that is responsible for the infection and some associated bacteria on the skin.
Hydrocortisone is the second active ingredient contained in Mizol HC cream, this is a mild corticosteroid or steroid which reduces inflammation, swelling, redness and itching of the skin.
Mizol HC cream is used to treat Inflamed dermatoses such as intertrigo and infected eczema, primary irritant or contact allergic eczema or seborrheic eczema, acne. perianal and genital dermatitis.